Thursday, May 7, 2009

A little tweak to make it faster

Our newly purchased computer is fast and sleak. It can open any application and documents in just a few seconds. However, after some months have passed, you'll notice a slight difference. For some it might be a huge change. The computer is processing too slow. There are a lot of reasons that can be pointed out in this situation. It might be that the computer's software, poor hard drive space, virus or inappropriate programs.

If you have a robust virus scanner, this can be the answer to your predicament. You may execute a quick or an in-depth scan that can take minutes or even hours. For some program, they do the necessary action to rid of the virus. On the other hand, you might have to delete the files manually.

Another strategy is to delete the files that you no longer use. Take a look at your documents, you might have some that you no longer need and they are just eating out valuable space. You can just transfer the not-so important files to an external memory.

To know more tips, you can visit this link for more details: